
Hi I am,

Akshay Chouke

I am an Integrated M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering student with specialization in Cyber security at VIT Bhopal University. Currently, I am an intermediate learner of Web development and Penetration testing. I have intermediate knowledge of c++, java, and python. My passion for learning comes from my experience as a learner who always confronted my own learning differences.

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Here are my Skills


Here are some tools I know


Some of my projects are
AgriMarket E-commerce

This E-commerce website is for farmers to buy and sell old or surplus farming equipment and accessories, such as fertilizers and seeds.It enables farmers to list their products for sale and connect with potential buyers.


This project is developed using the React JS liabrary.In this project user can make List of all the things he has to do.When he complets the task he can also remove that perticular task as well.


This is a tool which is developed in python. Using this user can brute force all the directories in the given wordlist.If the directory is present in the website then it will print link for that directory.


This is a web application built with react js. On this web, users can search for different recipes which can be made using single food with their ingredients and calories.


In this project I tried to implement the CRUD operations using MERN Stack technologies.User can create,read,update and delete the data from the database.

Honour & Certfications

Here are some of my Certfications
Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

Issued By Meta at Coursera
May 19, 2023

Programming with JavaScript

Issued By Meta at Coursera
Feb 11,2023

Version Control

Issued By Meta at Coursera
Jan 8,2023

IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity

Issued By IBM at Coursera
Sep 22,2022

Cyber securitu Essentials

Issued By Cisco
Nov 18,2022


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